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Our School Story:


Idris Davies School is a 3-18 through school in South Wales that serves a relatively deprived community. 35% of students in the upper phase and 50% in the primary phase are eligible for free school meals. However, considering the reality of the community demographic they serve, around 80% of pupils are likely to be experiencing some level of deprivation. 


Before relational practice the school took a punitive approach to sanctions, with less focus on rewards and more on punishment. There were high levels of repeat fixed term exclusions and they saw that behaviour worsened after the pandemic. Things needed to change. The hope with rolling out relational practice was to build positive relationships across the school and community and develop a shared vision. They wanted to hit the reset button whilst improving teaching and learning.


Idris Davies took a strategic approach. They reviewed their policies and consulted with staff, pupils and families. With the support of When The Adults Change they were able to develop a targeted programme of professional learning. Their initial Health Check was able to look at current procedures and policies and from there they could start to identify the changes needed.


They started with positive noticing and preventative language and have now moved onto meet and greets and have developed meaningful recognition systems throughout the school. Pupils are recognised in each lesson through positive noticing, with class chart points offered to those going over and above. Weekly assemblies share positive news stories from each year group and postcards are sent home each week to recognise exemplary effort or behaviour. There are also half termly rewards and trips offered to celebrate effort, improvement and achievement. Meeting and greeting pupils has improved punctuality to lessons and has allowed staff to sit pupils strategically to meet the learning objectives. Purposeful bell tasks have increased engagement in lessons as soon as pupils enter the classroom. They held their own Positive Noticing Day in January and the school community really embraced it. Pupils and staff sent thank you postcards to highlight how their day was made more positive by the actions of others and wore coloured wristbands that showcased a positive affirmation a peer or colleague had recognised about them.


The leadership and pastoral team have completed the WTAC Leadership Course and have been able to draw from this to shape the offer for the school. Using training materials that are adapted for family engagement has also been useful and has aided implementation. When they set particular themes/areas to focus on these are communicated and encouraged at home too.


Reflection time has been built into staff directed time to share successes and feedback and to allow discussions and planning of relational strategies. Consistency has been key to the approach and allowing all stakeholders to have a voice and engage in the programme has helped with implementation.


Results have been marked, and in taking a whole school approach they are seeing big gains and improvements. Attendance has increased by 1.9% and there has been a reduction in fixed term exclusions. Staff and pupils now take more ownership of their learning environment and relationships have improved across the school. A change in language used has led to less confrontation. Saying ‘I need you to…’ is showing learners the ‘why’ and sets the expectation. Advice to others would be to “be brave and trust the process”. 


We are delighted in the progress that Idris Davies School has been making, and we are so heartened to be a part of it. We are looking forward to continuing our work with them and supporting them with what happens next.

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